Plastic Injection Molding A New Industry

When it comes to excelling in the manufacturing industry, you need to be able to keep up with all of the current trends. When it comes to ideals, such as localism and working with companies in your own neck of the woods, you must understand that the rules of game are changing. We are talking here about the new global economy, which is changing the way manufacturing is performed. In the old days, it would have been less expensive to work with companies in your own country or even in your own region, but technology has changed this old bit of conventional wisdom. You can see these changes nowhere more clearly than in the plastic injection molding industry. Mold companies are now expanding their operations to include countries all over the globe.
Instead, plastic injection molding is a several step process that reaches all across the world. For example, mold companies my start with injection tooling in America. They might then outsource their work to facilities in China for the molding and accessories. The process might come to a close with assembly taking place in Mexico or India. As you can see, this is an industry that spans the globe, creating a global market place where the best bids wind, regardless of location.


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